Ever wondered how to make a kool button 4 ur site/blog/webspace? then here's the right place 4 u 2 learn!
you'll need a drawing program, like medibang paint pro. i'll be using it, but you can use any other program. if using medibang, make an acc, and follow my steps:
on the brushes section, click on that little cloud (
) and search for "pixel" choose the SECOND OPTION and double click on it. you'll need a pixel brush for this tutorial!
step 1: Go to "file >> new" and create a canvas that is 88x31 (88 width and 31 height) and be sure to set it as "pixel"
step 2: select ur "pixel" brush and do ur own design. i'll be making a button to xx_InvaderGamer_xx's spacehey 4 an example here. Draw ur own design now! or use these templates (coming soon...). This is going to be the base :)
step 3: Now, there are 2 methods to make this button. I'll show both.
![http://www.rasaint.net/ - Glitter Graphics](http://www.gigaglitters.com/created/QragzQLagM.gif)
save the base as a png and open Jasc animation shop. Click "file>>open" and select ur png. It should look similar to this:
Now, go to "effects>>Insert text effect" and insert your text + an effect 2 it. you can choose the color and the font there! once ur done, click "ok" and delete the first frame.
Now, go to "animation>>animation properties" and go to the "looping" section. Click on the first option and press ok.
Now go to "File>>Save as..." and save it at any location. save it on max. quality and done!
![http://www.rasaint.net/ - Glitter Graphics](http://www.gigaglitters.com/created/XFwQGzvjHB.gif)
Create a new layer and insert your site's name or anything at all. In my case, it looks like this:
Now, create a new layer and choose a color to re-paint the text, or optionally, animate any elements.
Save both images as .png and go to https://ezgif.com/maker. import both images and type up the delay (in my case, i put up 30). Then, click on "Make a GIF!", a preview will pop up. make adjustments until you like it. Right-click it and save it to your own computer. Done!