3d Glitter Sticker text

You'll need:
- Psp 9 (other versions should also work);
- Animation shop 3;
Both are available for download on here sice they're long gone :')
Open a canvas on psp 9 (download it on the downloads section). it can be any size because you can just crop it later.
Insert some text in any font you want, any color as well.
Hide the background layer if you want it to be transparent.
go to selections, select all, float selection, selections, modify, expand 3px.
create a layer underneath the selected text and fill it with a grayish color (bucket tool or brush)
selections, select none. Adjust, add/remove noise, add noise, settings: random, 31, monochrome checked.
to add borders go to selections, select all, float, modify, select selection borders, settings: outside, 1px, anti-alias checked. fill with gray/black. selections, select none.
Go to Effects, 3d effects, drop shadow with the settings: 5,5,50,5 select your text layer and go to selections, select all, float. then, adjust, add/remove noise, add noise, settings: uniform, 25, monochrome checked.
Effects, 3d effects, inner bevel, i put those settings but you can adjust to your liking :

selections, select none, edit, copy merged. Open Animation Shop 3 and Ctrl+V.
Ctrl+Z until you get to the point the text had no noise, adjust, add/remove noise, setings: uniform, 30, monochrome checked.
Apply same inner bevel effect as before, edit, copy merged and then on AS3 edit, paste, paste after current frame.
Ctrl+Z to the point of no noise added and add noise with the settings: uniform, 35, monochrome checked.
Add the innver bevel and then go yo edit and press copy merged again.
In AS3, edit, paste, paste after current frame.
Check your animation by going to View, animation. If it's too slow, go to edit, select all, animation, frame properties and set it to 10. If your animation isn't looping, go to animation, animation properties, looping and select the first option. Save it and ur done!

tutorial made in 30/11/22 :)